Blog Articles, Cannabis

What is i-71?

In Washington, D.C., the term Initiative 71 (I-71) means a ballot initiative that was approved by voters and became effective in 2014. This initiative permits adults who are 21 years old or more to possess, grow, and give small quantities of marijuana within District of Columbia’s boundaries. Even with I-71 permitting specific marijuana activities, it’s crucial to comprehend that this law doesn’t set up a legal structure for selling cannabis products.

I-71 Compliance is about following the detailed rules in Initiative 71 to stay within legal limits for having, growing and giving marijuana in D.C. Key details regarding I-71 compliance are:

Possession: For adults aged 21 and above, the law permits them to possess two ounces (about 56 grams) of marijuana on their person or at their place of living under I-71. It’s important to understand that possessing more than this amount or having it in federal property is still against the law.

Cultivation: Adults are allowed to grow marijuana plants in their private residence according to Initiative 71. Each person can have up to six plants, but only three of them can be mature and flowering at one time. However, this growing is enforced within a person’s main home and not allowed in any public area.

Sharing: I-71 permits grown-ups to share a little quantity of marijuana with other grown-ups who are 21 years old or more, but only if no payment is involved. In simple terms, giving away marijuana as a present or sharing it for non-business reasons like among friends and family members is permitted by this law. However, selling marijuana or doing any kind of trade related to it still remains against the rules laid out in I-71.

Public Consumption and Driving: Just as noted in I-71, even though possessing and growing of marijuana has become lawful in Washington, D.C., using it openly remains illegal. Moreover, driving while influenced by marijuana is against the law too, which can result in serious legal issues.

It is important to note that even when I-71 permits some actions about marijuana, it doesn’t alter federal law. The federal government still views marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance, so under its rule, this plant remains illicit. Nevertheless, local authorities in D.C., have made a choice not to apply these laws inside the District if people follow rules stated in Initiative 71.

Similar to any legal subject, it’s crucial for people to keep themselves updated and comprehend the particular laws and rules related with marijuana in Washington, D.C. This guarantees adherence to these rules as well as using it responsibly.


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